
Climate Crisis as Spiritual Path Old Dog

Joanna Macy – Climate Crisis as Spiritual Path

When we first began digging into climate crisis we were astonished by what our research revealed.  We’ve all known that the fossil fuel industry gives politicians large sums to assure profit-enhancing policies and then pretend nothing’s wrong.   What we were not so aware of is the hundreds of millions

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5 documentaries about climate change Old Dog

5 documentaries about climate change you should watch

With all the climate challenges we are facing, how can we best focus our attention and energy? The rapid melting of glaciers is causing ocean levels to rise, while the warming oceans are killing off the planktonic creatures that lie at the base of the marine food chain. Ocean acidification

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Beyond the Politics of Life and Choice: A New Conversation About Abortion


“The pro-lifers keep saying, “It’s a baby, it’s a baby.” That’s the one theme they keep hammering. Whereas pro-choicers will say it’s a woman’s choice. And you’ll notice that those arguments don’t engage each other; they just shoot right past each other. So neither side is answering the concerns of

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*Palestine & Israel: Is there a Solution?

Palestine & Israel: Is there a Solution?

Recent events in Israel and Palestine have left many people confused about what is causing the conflict and who is at fault. Our award-winning documentary, Seeing Through the Wall, offers a rare opportunity for the global community to meet Israelis and Palestinians on a personal level and gain new insight

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*take action

Take Action

WATCH. FREAK OUT. TAKE ACTION. We are in the midst of a climate crisis. It is imperative we understand what this means, how it has come about, and most importantly, what we can do to reverse the damage. Before it is too late.   The Trump administration has met this crisis

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Coal Cars on the Tracks: Carbon in the Sky

Two arresting images from the screening of The Wisdom to Survive, our film on climate change, which screened in  downtown Reading, PA, October 13: As my host and old friend, Blair Seitz, and I passed under a trestle, on an outing that morning, we saw dozens of fully loaded coal cars standing

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Interruptions & Meeting Points

Judy Lief on One Body One Heart What happens when your idea of your life is rudely interrupted by the reality of your life, your life as it is? This documentary from John Ankele explores this provocative question. It is about interruptions and about meeting points. So much can be learned

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Mother’s Day Screening Honoring Mother Earth

The Judson Memorial Church on Washington Square Park in New York City generously hosted the NYC premiere of The Wisdom to Survive, to an almost packed space, on a glorious Mother’s Day Sunday. The park across the street was in full bloom, the sun was shining in all its brilliance, children and husbands

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What to do about Israel?

This may be one of the critical questions of the year. Another is: What to do about Palestine? What to do after 50 years of occupation? One answer is to be as fully informed as possible. Another is to inform oneself with an open mind and an open heart. Then,

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