“The role of the Cannibal Giant is to sleep deep in the forest. He only wakes up when the Earth Mother calls out in distress.”
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Dancing with the Cannibal Giant: Five New Stories for the Great Transition film was created as an educational tool that can be used to move us beyond disempowerment, in order to enact real change in a changing world. Chris Wood of BALE (Building A Local Economy) was inspired to create a film that would answer the question: “Will we have the wisdom to survive climate chaos and planetary destruction?” – after he had seen Old Dog Documentaries’ film: THE WISDOM TO SURVIVE: Climate Change, Capitalism, and Community.
Dancing with the Cannibal Giant: Five New Stories for the Great Transition offers five stories that answer this very question, and invite its viewers to ask themselves: what am I doing and what are we doing, together, to put the giant back to sleep?
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