Filmed in five countries, this documentary offers a rare glimpse inside the new religious communities that are sweeping across Africa. Led by living prophet-healers who interpret Christianity in the light of pre-Christian traditions, these “spirit-based” communities could be “an historical turning point . . . as epochal for the Christian world as the original Reformation.”
Released : 1984
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RISE UP AND WALK from Old Dog Documentaries on Vimeo.
This acclaimed film shows how members of a variety of independent African Christian churches interpret and live the Christian faith in the context of their own pre-Christian cultural traditions. These independent churches have been formed by Africans themselves, often in opposition to churches founded by European and American missionaries. For African Christians, the world of the sacred is real and living, and their leaders are considered priest-healers who possess a special knowledge of the sacred realm. They tell of the divine manifestations that have inspired the forming of these self-sufficient communities of faith, and they reveal their bitterness toward those missionaries who failed to understand them.
For the Harrists of the Ivory Coast, Bibles replace fetishes as sacred objects of power.
Cine Golden Eagle Award
Museum of Modern Art
Margaret Mead Film Festival
Smithsonian Institution
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